The definition of art.
Every time we mention the word "Art" each one of us gets hundreds of thoughts. We think about a poetry, a painting, a sculpture, a book, a song, an object, a building or a piece of nature since they all have a touch of art within them, they are art itself. We all have different thoughts and perspective about art, which makes it an elusive term, a relative thought, a metaphysical phenomenon, something which can be felt, lived, but never exactly defined.That's all what art is about. Giving us the chance to say something in our own way, giving us the opportunity to get creative, to communicate, to open our souls and minds, to represent something not only by the outward appearance but from their inward significance as well. Art is able to reach our deepest thoughts, to change our perceptions of things by requiring us to dig deeper in order to understand. Some people say art is a pleasure or an amusement, but art is much more than that. Art is a therapy, art is your voice, art is life.When you create a piece of art you work with it again and again until it starts taking shape. And that's what artists are for. Giving shape to their art and keeping the identity of their work untouched. To me art is everywhere, even if it is not always seen. It is in the nature around us, where everything is perfect, unique and cured in detail, it is in everything people do and in their attempts to bring order out of chaos. So, will we ever get an exact definition of art ? No, we will not, and that's the best of Art itself. It's something unspecified but definitely irreplaceable !


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