From the past to the present !
Year after year architecture has faced serious and fundamental changes which placed it in a field completely apart from the other arts. As a result, today we have undeniable examples of what is called "Building Correctly" ! To built correctly sometimes is easier said than done. It maintains four essential elements which include stability, durability, function and maximum result with minimum means, in other words economic efficiency. These all are what make a construction built correctly and add quality to a work of architecture. If a building it is not stable, resistant towards the action of external elements, doesn't fulfill it's function, purpose and usability then it can not be considered correct.
That's why while studying architecture from the past to the present different architects and constructors have raised many questions and given many approaches on how to reach the best out of an architectural work. One of them is Pierre Luigi Nervi. With his works he gave a new concept of usage for well known materials  ( the one he is famous for is reinforced concrete ), showed that nothing is unchangeable and connected the functionality with the aesthetic. He claims that there is a relation between Building Technology and Architecture Aesthetics, seen in the physical structure ( buildings which are technically perfect works and obey some objective requirements ) and aesthetic aspect ( buildings who achieve a good work of art at the end ). To Nervi and a lot of other people the tie between the aesthetic and technology is evident, the building science is refined and the architectural expression is powerful, in some periods more obvious than in others, but never fully gone at neither of them !


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